Weed library - Thistle - Californian Thistle (Cirsium arvense)

Californian thistle is a perennial thistle which grows up to 150cm tall.

The Shiny bright green leaves on the Californian thistle are hairless, spiny and deeply lobed.

The stems are slender, grooved and hairy.

The flowers produced range in color from pink to reddish purple and greyish purple.

Source: Landcare Notes, 1998, Californian Thistle, State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment 2002.

Herbicide Control Options

Step 1. Select your situation

Control Tips

  • Spray when the plant is actively growing
  • When directed by the label, use a wetting agent like Weed Forces Holdfast to improve the spread and penetration of the herbicide into the plant.
  • For Hand Gun Spraying: Spray to thoroughly wet all the foliage but not to cause run off
  • Follow up applications may be required. Refer to the product label for more details

  • DO NOT spray when the plant is stressed (i.e. Drought, physical damage, insect damage, frost)

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