Weed library - Spiny emex (Rumex hypogaeus)

Spiny emex is an annual herb with a semi-prostrate growth habit.

The mostly hairless leaves are ovate to triangular in shape.

The inconspicuous flowers form into a burr about 7cm long with three thick spines

Source: NSW Weed Wise 2018, NSW Weed Wise, NSW Department of Primary Industries, accessed 11 February 2023, < https://weeds.dpi.nsw.gov.au/Weeds/Spinyemex>.

Herbicide Control Options

Step 1. Select your situation

Control Tips

  • Spray young, actively growing plants
  • For Hand Gun Spraying: Spray to thoroughly wet all the foliage but not to cause run off

  • DO NOT spray when the plant is stressed (i.e. Drought, physical damage, insect damage etc)

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