Weed library - Sifton Bush / Chinese Scrub / Biddy Bush (Cassinia sifton)

Sifton bush is native to Australia, able to grow in naturally infertile, rocky, acidic soils.

It is known to grow up to 3 meters tall but generally grows 1-2 meters.

Mature plants have one main stem which branches into numerous smaller stems.

The leaves are dark green and slender and often covered with white hairs on the underside of the leaf which are sticky.

Source: NSW Weed Wise 2018, NSW Weed Wise, NSW Department of Primary Industries, accessed 17 June 2023, < https://weeds.dpi.nsw.gov.au/Weeds/Siftonbush>.

Herbicide Control Options

Step 1. Select your situation

Control Tips

Gusto Woody and Noxious Weed Herbicide is registered for the control Sifton Bush.

When using Gusto in a high volume spraying situation:

  • Spray all leaves and stems just to the point of runoff
  • Spray actively growing plants in the Autumn
  • Use a high quality non ionic wetting agent like Weed Forces Holdfast for best results, helping to improve wetting and herbicide penetration of the plant foliage

  • DO NOT spray when the plant is stressed (i.e. Drought, physical damage, insect damage etc)

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