Weed library - Hemlock/Carrot fern ( Conium maclatum L.)

Hemlock (Conium Maculatum) is an annual or biennial herb which has hollow stems and grows up to between 1.5-2m tall.  

It has fern like leaves and has white flowers which form umbrella like arrangements at the top of the plant.

Hemlock is toxic to humans and stock.

Hemlock is a hard to control weed and may require follow up applications.

Herbicide Control Options

Step 1. Select your situation

Control Tips

Broad Sweep Broadleaf Herbicide is registered for the control Hemlock.


When using Broad Sweep in a high volume spraying situation:

  • Spray to thoroughly wet all the foliage but not to cause run off

  • Spray when the plant is actively growing

  • Use a high quality non ionic wetting agent like Weed Forces Holdfast for best results helping to improve wetting and herbicide penetration of the plant foliage

  • DO NOT spray when the plant is stressed (i.e. Drought, physical damage, insect damage, frost)

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